Japanese “application” Button



The Japanese "application" button emoji is represented by the 🔊 symbol. This emoji consists of the characters "🔊" written in bold red text on a white square background. It is commonly used in Japan to represent a button or icon that activates the sound or volume of an application, device, or system.

In Japanese, the word for application is "アプリ" (apuri) or "アプリケーション" (apurikēshon). This emoji is often seen on websites, mobile apps, or other digital platforms as a graphical representation of the sound or volume control. It is used to indicate that by pressing the button, users can adjust or enable the audio settings.

The 🔊 emoji can be found in various contexts, such as media players, music apps, video games, and communication platforms. Its purpose is to attract the user's attention to the volume control feature and encourage them to interact with it.

Additionally, the use of the red color and bold text in this emoji helps to make it visually distinct and recognizable. These elements aim to draw the user's attention and convey a sense of urgency or importance associated with sound or volume control. The white background provides contrast, ensuring that the symbol stands out clearly.

Overall, the Japanese "application" button emoji, represented by the 🔊 symbol, is a visual representation of the sound or volume control feature in an application, device, or system. Its usage serves to prompt users to adjust or enable the audio settings and is commonly seen in digital platforms and interfaces in Japan.


Japanese “application” Button

Google Noto Color Emoji

Japanese “application” Button


Technical Information

NameJapanese “application” Button