Keycap: 7



The keycap: 7 emoji is commonly used to represent the number 7. It is a widely recognized symbol that is often used in numerical and counting contexts.

In terms of its appearance, the keycap: 7 emoji shows the number 7 inside a square or rectangular border, resembling a keycap on a keyboard. The color of the keycap can vary depending on the platform or device it is being used on, but it is typically a shade of black or gray.

Beyond its literal meaning as a numerical symbol, the keycap: 7 emoji can also convey a variety of other meanings and associations. For example, some people may use this emoji to express luck or fortune, as the number 7 is often considered lucky in many cultures and superstitions. It is often associated with positive outcomes or good fortune in games of chance, such as rolling a seven in dice or hitting the jackpot on a slot machine.

In addition to luck, the keycap: 7 emoji can also be used to represent perfection or completeness. In various fields, the number 7 is often seen as a symbol of excellence or being at the top of one's game. This can be seen in popular culture, for example, with the phrase "lucky number 7" often used to describe a person or thing that is exceptionally successful or respected.

On a more casual level, the keycap: 7 emoji can simply be used to represent the number itself in a lighthearted or playful manner. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as when counting or ranking items. For example, someone might use this emoji to show that they are giving something a rating of 7 out of 10.

Overall, the keycap: 7 emoji is a versatile symbol that can be used to convey different meanings depending on the context. Whether it represents luck, perfection, or simply the number 7 itself, this emoji adds a touch of numerical significance to text conversations and helps to communicate concepts and ideas more creatively.


Keycap: 7

Google Noto Color Emoji

Keycap: 7


Technical Information

NameKeycap: 7
CodepointsU+0037 U+FE0F U+20E3