


The meaning of the "Registered" emoji, also known as the ®️ emoji, can be interpreted in a few different ways, depending on the context in which it is used.

One of the primary meanings of this emoji is to indicate that a particular word, phrase, logo, or symbol is registered or trademarked by a specific company or individual. This implies that the intellectual property associated with that item is legally protected and cannot be used without proper permission or authorization. For example, a company might use the ®️ emoji next to their logo on social media to signify that their brand is legally protected and cannot be replicated by others. It serves as a visual reminder to consumers and competitors that the brand has trademark rights.

Another interpretation of the ®️ emoji is to communicate authenticity or official recognition. When used in this context, it helps convey that a certain product or service is officially recognized or authorized by a relevant authority. For instance, a government agency may use the ®️ emoji alongside their logo or name to signify that they are the official source of a particular document or service. This can help build trust and credibility among users who need to verify the legitimacy of the information or service being provided.

In some instances, the ®️ emoji can also be used playfully or ironically to indicate ownership or claim over something. This can be seen in social media posts or comments where someone uses the emoji next to a quirky or unique idea, design, or concept they came up with themselves. It can be seen as a lighthearted way of saying, "This idea is mine, and I'm proud of it."

Overall, the "Registered" emoji serves as a visual symbol to communicate legal protection, official recognition, or ownership of a specific item or concept. Its usage can vary depending on the context, and understanding the intended meaning relies heavily on the accompanying text or visual elements.



Google Noto Color Emoji



Technical Information

CodepointsU+00AE U+FE0F