Flag: Liechtenstein



The Flag: Liechtenstein emoji represents the national flag of Liechtenstein, a small landlocked country located in central Europe. The flag consists of two horizontal bands of color: a blue band on top and a red band on the bottom. In the top left corner of the blue band, there is a golden crown symbol. The colors and symbol on the flag hold significance and meaning to the people of Liechtenstein.

The blue color represents the sky and the mountains that surround the country. Liechtenstein is known for its picturesque landscapes and mountainous terrain, so the blue color on the flag serves as a representation of the natural beauty of the country.

The red color on the flag symbolizes the people of Liechtenstein and their unity. It represents their courage, strength, and determination to protect and preserve their nation.

The golden crown symbol in the top left corner of the flag is a representation of the ruling Prince of Liechtenstein. The country is a constitutional monarchy, and the prince holds a significant role in the governance of the nation. The crown is a symbol of the monarchy and reflects the country's history and tradition.

Overall, the Flag: Liechtenstein emoji embodies the national identity and pride of the people of Liechtenstein. It represents their connection to their homeland, its natural beauty, unity, and the monarchy that guides and protects their nation.


Flag: Liechtenstein

Google Noto Color Emoji

Flag: Liechtenstein


Technical Information

NameFlag: Liechtenstein
CodepointsU+1F1F1 U+1F1EE