Girl: Medium-dark Skin Tone



The Girl: Medium-Dark Skin Tone emoji is a representation of a young girl with a medium-dark skin complexion. It is part of the Emoji 11.0 set which was introduced in 2018. This emoji is a variation of the generic Girl emoji, which depicts a girl with a light skin complexion.

The purpose of adding diverse skin tone variations to emoji is to promote inclusivity and represent people of different ethnicities and races. By offering different skin tone options, emoji creators aim to allow users to better express themselves and feel represented in digital communication.

When it comes to the specific meaning of the Girl: Medium-Dark Skin Tone emoji, it can be used in various contexts depending on the conversation or the intention of the user. Generally, it represents a young girl with a medium-dark skin tone, and could be used to represent oneself, someone the sender is referring to, or simply to depict a girl in a broader sense.

The medium-dark skin tone option was added to ensure that individuals with this specific complexion could feel accurately represented through emoji. It allows for more inclusive conversations and helps to bridge any potential gaps in representation that existed prior to the introduction of diverse skin tones.

It is important to note that as with all emojis, the meaning of the Girl: Medium-Dark Skin Tone emoji can be influenced by the surrounding context and the sender's intent. In certain conversations, it may convey emotions such as happiness, excitement, or innocence, while in others it may be used simply to depict a girl in a neutral manner.

Overall, the Girl: Medium-Dark Skin Tone emoji is a valuable addition to the emoji repertoire, as it contributes to the growing effort to ensure that digital communication is more inclusive, diverse, and representative of all individuals, regardless of their skin complexion.


Girl: Medium-dark Skin Tone

Google Noto Color Emoji

Girl: Medium-dark Skin Tone


Technical Information

NameGirl: Medium-dark Skin Tone
CodepointsU+1F467 U+1F3FE