Man Supervillain: Medium-dark Skin Tone



The Man Supervillain: Medium-dark Skin Tone emoji depicts a male character with a medium-dark skin tone dressed as a supervillain. The emoji shows a man wearing a cape, a mask, and a traditional supervillain outfit. His facial expression is typically mischievous or villainous, with a slight smirk and narrowed, perhaps sinister, eyes.

This emoji is generally used to represent a male supervillain character in various contexts. It can be used to express playful banter, mischief, or a sense of villainy. It is often used in discussions or messages related to movies, comics, or fiction where supervillains are featured as antagonists.

Additionally, this emoji can also be used metaphorically to represent someone or something that is seen as menacing, deceptive, or evil. In this sense, it can be used jokingly or sarcastically to describe someone who is acting in a way that is perceived as villainous. For example, if someone plays a trick on their friend, they might use this emoji to playfully depict themselves as a supervillain.

Ultimately, the precise meaning of the Man Supervillain: Medium-dark Skin Tone emoji will depend on the context in which it is used, as well as the emojis and words it is paired with. Its purpose is to convey the idea of a male supervillain, either in terms of a fictional character or as a symbol for mischievous behavior or villainous actions.


Man Supervillain: Medium-dark Skin Tone

Google Noto Color Emoji

Man Supervillain: Medium-dark Skin Tone


Technical Information

NameMan Supervillain: Medium-dark Skin Tone
CodepointsU+1F9B9 U+1F3FE U+200D U+2642 U+FE0F