People Holding Hands: Dark Skin Tone, Medium-dark Skin Tone



The People Holding Hands emoji depicts two individuals represented by a combination of different skin tones - one with dark skin tone and the other with medium-dark skin tone. The emoji can be interpreted to symbolize unity, connection, friendship, or love between people of different skin tones.

When two people hold hands, it commonly implies a sense of closeness, support, and affection. In the context of the emoji, the representation of different skin tones adds an additional layer of significance. With the inclusion of dark and medium-dark skin tones, the emoji highlights diversity and promotes inclusivity.

The emoji's purpose is to celebrate and acknowledge the importance of harmony and connection among people of different racial or ethnic backgrounds. It reflects the idea that love, friendship, and unity should be colorblind, breaking down barriers and bridging gaps between different communities. By emphasizing the significance of diverse skin tones, the emoji encourages acceptance and respect for individuals from various backgrounds.

It's worth noting that emojis are open to interpretation, and their meanings can vary depending on cultural and personal contexts. While the People Holding Hands: Dark Skin Tone, Medium-Dark Skin Tone emoji specifically represents the inclusion of different skin tones in relationships, its interpretation may also depend on the person using it and the situation in which it is used.

Overall, the People Holding Hands: Dark Skin Tone, Medium-Dark Skin Tone emoji conveys a meaningful message of unity and diversity. It encourages people to celebrate and embrace the connections they have with individuals from different racial or ethnic backgrounds, promoting understanding and inclusivity in our increasingly diverse world.


People Holding Hands: Dark Skin Tone, Medium-dark Skin Tone

Google Noto Color Emoji

People Holding Hands: Dark Skin Tone, Medium-dark Skin Tone


Technical Information

NamePeople Holding Hands: Dark Skin Tone, Medium-dark Skin Tone
CodepointsU+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F9D1 U+1F3FE