Person: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair



The emoji "Person: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair" features an emoji representing a person with dark skin tone and white hair. The combination of dark skin tone and white hair represents a unique and distinct appearance, which may convey various meanings depending on the context.

One possible interpretation of this emoji is that it represents an elderly individual. White or gray hair is commonly associated with aging, and when combined with the dark skin tone, it emphasizes that this person is older. Therefore, this emoji can be used to represent an older person or to refer to the concept of aging in general.

Another interpretation of this emoji could relate to wisdom or experience. The image of white hair is often associated with wisdom and knowledge, as it is commonly believed that individuals gain wisdom as they grow older. The dark skin tone adds another layer to this interpretation, symbolizing a person with a diverse background and a wealth of life experiences.

Additionally, this emoji may also be used to promote inclusivity and diversity. The representation of a person with dark skin tone and white hair acknowledges and celebrates individuals who possess this unique and distinct appearance. It can serve as a way to promote diversity and equality, encouraging acceptance and understanding across different communities.

In summary, the "Person: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair" emoji can convey multiple meanings, such as representing an elderly person, symbolizing wisdom or experience, or promoting inclusivity and diversity. The interpretation ultimately depends on the context in which it is used and the message the sender intends to convey.


Person: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair

Google Noto Color Emoji

Person: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair


Technical Information

NamePerson: Dark Skin Tone, White Hair
CodepointsU+1F9D1 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B3