Person: Light Skin Tone, Curly Hair



The Person: Light Skin Tone, Curly Hair emoji is a representation of a person with fair skin and curly hair. This particular emoji is part of the Unicode emoji set introduced in 2016, which aimed to provide more diversity and inclusivity in emoji representation. The skin tone modifier allows users to select a specific skin tone to better reflect their own identity or the intended message.

The emoji depicts a person with light skin tone, which signifies that the person may be of European or Caucasian descent. This is important because previously, emoji were primarily depicted with yellow skin, which limited representation and did not accurately reflect the diversity of human skin tones.

The curly hair is an essential feature of this emoji, reflecting a specific hair type. Curly hair is characterized by its natural texture, with springs, coils, or waves that deviate from straight hair. By including this feature, the emoji celebrates and represents individuals with this specific hair type and encourages inclusivity and representation of diverse hair textures and styles.

The inclusion of this emoji in the Unicode set was significant because it addressed the lack of diverse representation in emoji, specifically for individuals with light skin tones and curly hair. By including a range of skin tones and hair types, the emoji set strives to be more inclusive and capture the diversity of human appearance.

When used in conversation, the Person: Light Skin Tone, Curly Hair emoji can be employed to express various meanings and messages. It can represent individuals with fair skin and curly hair, or it can be used metaphorically to convey qualities or characteristics associated with curly hair, such as creativity, uniqueness, or beauty. Additionally, this emoji can be utilized to spark discussions around diversity, representation, and inclusivity.

Overall, the Person: Light Skin Tone, Curly Hair emoji offers a way to acknowledge and embrace the diversity of skin tones and hair types, promoting inclusivity and representation in the digital world.


Person: Light Skin Tone, Curly Hair

Google Noto Color Emoji

Person: Light Skin Tone, Curly Hair


Technical Information

NamePerson: Light Skin Tone, Curly Hair
CodepointsU+1F9D1 U+1F3FB U+200D U+1F9B1