Raised Back of Hand: Dark Skin Tone



The Raised Back of Hand: Dark Skin Tone emoji is a variation of the Raised Back of Hand emoji, which depicts a hand with the index finger pointing up. The Dark Skin Tone modifier is represented by Fitzpatrick Type IV-VI, indicating a darker shade of skin. This particular emoji is often used to portray a sense of affirmation, agreement, or encouragement.

The raised hand in this emoji carries a symbolic meaning of support or solidarity. It can be used to show support for a cause or person, offering reassurance and encouragement. The darker skin tone option helps to convey diversity and inclusivity, representing people with a wide range of skin tones.

Furthermore, this emoji can also signify empowerment and advocacy. It can be used to express pride and celebration for achievements, both personal and collective. By incorporating the Dark Skin Tone modifier, it highlights the importance of representation and celebrates the rich diversity within communities.

In some contexts, the Raised Back of Hand: Dark Skin Tone emoji can also be used to express agreement or endorsement. It serves as a way to say "yes" or "I agree" without the need for verbal communication. The dark skin tone amplifies the message, highlighting the approval or affirmation from someone with a marginalized or underrepresented identity.

Overall, the Raised Back of Hand: Dark Skin Tone emoji holds various meanings depending on the context in which it is used. It serves as a powerful symbol of support, empowerment, affirmation, agreement, and diversity, representing the shared experiences and perspectives of individuals with darker skin tones.


Raised Back of Hand: Dark Skin Tone

Google Noto Color Emoji

Raised Back of Hand: Dark Skin Tone


Technical Information

NameRaised Back of Hand: Dark Skin Tone
CodepointsU+1F91A U+1F3FF