Woman Cartwheeling: Dark Skin Tone



The Woman Cartwheeling: Dark Skin Tone emoji depicts a woman performing a cartwheel while having a dark skin tone. This emoji is part of the family of gender and skin tone variations available for the person cartwheeling emoji.

Generally, the woman cartwheeling emoji is associated with athleticism, playfulness, and physical agility. It portrays an individual engaged in the physically demanding activity of a cartwheel, which requires a certain level of strength, flexibility, and coordination. Thus, this emoji can be used to represent various sports, gymnastics, or other physical activities that involve similar movements.

The addition of a dark skin tone modifier provides an element of diversity and inclusivity. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on emoji representation to reflect the diversity of individuals worldwide. By offering different skin tone options, this emoji ensures that people of color can see themselves represented in digital communication.

When combined with other emojis, the Woman Cartwheeling: Dark Skin Tone emoji can convey different meanings. For instance, paired with sports-related emojis like a basketball or a gymnastics mat, it can indicate participation or interest in a specific sport. It could also be used to express excitement, exuberance, celebration, or simply to convey a sense of joy and fun.

In summary, the Woman Cartwheeling: Dark Skin Tone emoji represents an energetic woman of color engaging in a cartwheel, embodying athleticism, playfulness, and physical agility. Its inclusion in the ever-expanding range of diverse emojis helps to ensure that people from different racial backgrounds feel represented and included in digital communication.


Woman Cartwheeling: Dark Skin Tone

Google Noto Color Emoji

Woman Cartwheeling: Dark Skin Tone


Technical Information

NameWoman Cartwheeling: Dark Skin Tone
CodepointsU+1F938 U+1F3FF U+200D U+2640 U+FE0F