Woman: Dark Skin Tone, Bald



The Woman: Dark Skin Tone, Bald emoji represents a female character with a dark complexion and a bald head. This emoji is a part of the Unicode 12.0 update and was introduced in 2019. It is commonly used to represent a person who identifies as a woman with both a dark skin tone and a bald appearance.

The emoji can have various interpretations depending on the context in which it is used. It can symbolize people who have chosen to shave their heads or who may be experiencing hair loss or baldness due to medical reasons. It can also be used to represent women who embrace their natural baldness or who have chosen to wear their hair in a bald style as a fashion statement or personal preference.

In addition to these interpretations, the Woman: Dark Skin Tone, Bald emoji can also have broader symbolic meanings. It can symbolize strength, confidence, and self-acceptance, as some women choose to embrace their baldness as a way of expressing these qualities. It can also be used to represent diversity and inclusivity, highlighting the beauty and uniqueness of women with different skin tones and hair types.

Like other emojis, the meaning of the Woman: Dark Skin Tone, Bald emoji can also be subjective and contextual. It is important to consider the context and the sender's intent when interpreting the meaning behind this emoji in a particular conversation or message.


Woman: Dark Skin Tone, Bald

Google Noto Color Emoji

Woman: Dark Skin Tone, Bald


Technical Information

NameWoman: Dark Skin Tone, Bald
CodepointsU+1F469 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F9B2