Woman: Medium Skin Tone, Curly Hair



The Woman: Medium Skin Tone, Curly Hair emoji is a representation of a woman with a medium skin tone and curly hair. This emoji is part of the Unicode emoji set and was introduced in 2016.

The primary meaning of this emoji is to signify a woman with medium skin tone and curly hair. It is an inclusive representation meant to celebrate diversity and acknowledge the unique features of individuals with curly hair and medium skin tone. It aims to depict people from various ethnic backgrounds and promotes inclusivity and representation in emoji communication.

The medium skin tone aspect of the emoji represents a shade that is neither too light nor too dark. It is meant to reflect a range of skin tones that fall in the middle of the spectrum. This inclusiveness is essential as it allows for people of varying racial and ethnic backgrounds to be represented in emoji form.

The curly hair aspect of the emoji is an important representation of a hair texture that is different from straight or wavy hair. Curly hair is seen as unique and distinct, and this emoji aims to acknowledge and appreciate its beauty. It also provides representation for individuals with this hair type, allowing them to express their identity and feel seen and acknowledged in digital communication.

Overall, the Woman: Medium Skin Tone, Curly Hair emoji is a symbol of diversity, inclusivity, and representation in emoji communication. It celebrates individuals with medium skin tone and curly hair, allowing them to express themselves and be seen in digital conversations.


Woman: Medium Skin Tone, Curly Hair

Google Noto Color Emoji

Woman: Medium Skin Tone, Curly Hair


Technical Information

NameWoman: Medium Skin Tone, Curly Hair
CodepointsU+1F469 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F9B1