Men Holding Hands: Dark Skin Tone, Light Skin Tone



The emoji "Men Holding Hands: Dark Skin Tone, Light Skin Tone" depicts two men of different skin tones holding hands. This emoji is part of the Unicode 12.0 update and was introduced in 2019. Its purpose is to represent solidarity, companionship, friendship, or support between men of different ethnic or racial backgrounds.

The first aspect to note is that the emoji features two men holding hands. This gesture symbolizes a connection and emotional bond between these individuals. It can represent friendship, brotherhood, or even a romantic relationship. This emoji is commonly used to convey closeness and affection between people, promoting inclusivity and equality.

The fact that the men in the emoji have different skin tones highlights diversity and multiculturalism. It is vital to note that the different skin tones are not meant to create a hierarchy or imply that one is superior to the other. Instead, it serves to celebrate and acknowledge the beauty and richness of different ethnic backgrounds.

By using this emoji, people can express their support for diversity, equality, and acceptance. It encourages inclusivity, understanding, and respect for people of various races and ethnicities, emphasizing the importance of unity and solidarity across these differences.

Moreover, the meaningful representation of various skin tones in emojis is significant for promoting cultural inclusivity and combating racial bias. It helps to break down barriers and encourages conversations about diversity, representation, and social equality.

In summary, the "Men Holding Hands: Dark Skin Tone, Light Skin Tone" emoji embodies the idea of solidarity and companionship among individuals of different racial or ethnic backgrounds. It promotes inclusivity, celebrates diversity, and fosters conversations about equality and acceptance. Ultimately, this emoji serves as a powerful symbol of unity and support in a diverse world.


Men Holding Hands: Dark Skin Tone, Light Skin Tone

Google Noto Color Emoji

Men Holding Hands: Dark Skin Tone, Light Skin Tone


Technical Information

NameMen Holding Hands: Dark Skin Tone, Light Skin Tone
CodepointsU+1F468 U+1F3FF U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FB