Men Holding Hands: Medium Skin Tone, Medium-light Skin Tone



The "Men Holding Hands: Medium Skin Tone, Medium-light Skin Tone" emoji depicts two male figures holding hands, with medium and medium-light skin tones respectively. This emoji is a part of the diverse range of options available to represent people of different ethnicities and skin tones.

The primary meaning of this emoji is to represent friendship, unity, and support between two men. It is commonly used to convey a close bond between male friends, highlighting the idea of solidarity and companionship.

The choice of medium and medium-light skin tones in this emoji further emphasizes inclusivity and diversity. By offering different skin tone options, this emoji aims to be representative of a broad range of individuals with various ethnic backgrounds and races.

Beyond its literal meaning, this emoji can also be used to symbolize LGBT pride and support. The image of two men holding hands can be associated with advocating for equal rights and acceptance for the gay community.

Additionally, this emoji can be used in the context of expressing affection, love, or admiration between two men. It can be a way to show support for someone, celebrate a milestone or achievement, or simply express a strong emotional connection between two friends or partners.

In summary, the "Men Holding Hands: Medium Skin Tone, Medium-light Skin Tone" emoji conveys friendship, unity, support, LGBT pride, and diverse representation. Its purpose is to celebrate different skin tones and promote inclusivity while expressing various emotions and relationships between men.


Men Holding Hands: Medium Skin Tone, Medium-light Skin Tone

Google Noto Color Emoji

Men Holding Hands: Medium Skin Tone, Medium-light Skin Tone


Technical Information

NameMen Holding Hands: Medium Skin Tone, Medium-light Skin Tone
CodepointsU+1F468 U+1F3FD U+200D U+1F91D U+200D U+1F468 U+1F3FC